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Our Assembly

So You Want to Know
About Deeper Waters?



Deeper Waters Bible Church is a spirit filled, non denominational, group of believers, who are on a journey to possess a living and personal knowledge of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior and enjoy the fellowship of His Spirit on a corporate level. 


We follow the "simple church" model of the New Testament and have purposely chosen not to walk after the more common program oriented, business Church model, that is popular today.  We are designed for intimacy of fellowship over numbers for numbers sake. 


We pursue the pathway of the Deeper Christian Life, not satisfied to live with a shallow religious experience to rest our lives on. We desire to nurture people in the depths of a committed relationship to Jesus Christ as well as a deeper experience of the Holy Spirit and His gifts. 


We give freedom for the Holy Spirit to move and minister in our assembly, just as He was given in the early Church yet are also mindful not to let excessiveness overtake our services. As such we pray in and with the Holy Spirit and lay hands on the sick for healing.


We are Word centered in our preaching, believing the Bible to say what it means and mean what it says and we do not compromise the Word of God to allow for popular trends or ideas which try to contradict it. 


We are a missioned centered assembly and exist not just to know the Lord for ourselves but to make Him known in the community that He has placed us in. 


We are always glad to receive visitors as the Lord goes about building His Church. Not all will stay as we're not for everyone; but we are for someone, and perhaps that someone is you.  


God bless you for stopping by today our website today. 



July 2023

Service Times

Sunday Mornings at 10 a.m.


Where We Meet

Schaeffer Academy 

2700 Schaeffer Lane NE
Rocheser, MN 55906



Will I Feel Comfortable?

You will feel welcomed and accepted just as you are. 


You'll meet everyday people who are on the same journey you're on. 


You'll feel no pressure from us but just might find the Spirit of the Lord doing exactly what you need. 

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